CK Pro Photo is a Certified Photographer from the Real Estate Photographers of America & International

Real Estate Videography

CK Pro Photography real estate interior videography follows the latest and upcoming trends to help sell a property utilizing a three axis gimbal and HD camera.

Real Estate Videography helps the potential buyer amerce themselves walking through the property without being physically present. Real Estate Videos are a great way to highlight a properties unique value added features that buyers are seeking.

Real Estate Video Perks:

  • Videos can generate valuable page views when posted at the top of an online listing. Links to pages with embedded video get 157% more organic search results than ones without it.
  • A compelling video embedded near the middle and bottom of an online listing can be the last nudge buyers need to make a call or send an email to a real estate agent or the property owner.
  • Sharply produced video can also persuade sellers to work with an agent, confident that their property will be shown in the best possible light.
  • Overall, property listings with video generate more than four times more leads!

CK Pro Photography Drone Real Estate Video

CK Pro Photography Drone Real Estate Video

CK Pro Photography Real Estate Kitchen Video

CK Pro Photography Real Estate Living Room Video

CK Pro Photography Real Estate Bedroom Video